Thursday, August 26, 2010

Late Summer: Seasonal Transitions.

In the FIVE ELEMENT THEORY, there are five seasons whose nature is related to the five elements. Late summer is correlated with the element Earth. Late summer, or “Indian summer”, is a special time at the end of the summer and before autumn. This is also an important period of preparation and readiness for the harvest time. Nature is rich and full, fruits are falling ripe to the ground and vegetables growing big and plump; for us, it is time back to school or work, and making new plans.
The organs related to this late summer time and the Earth element are the stomach and spleen. These two work together to digest your foods and distribute energy throughout the body. Nourishment is important to your energy state and well-being, so the proper functioning of these two organs is vital to your digesting and to preventing illness. Your eating habits are key to keeping your digestion working efficiently and maintaining a strong stomach and spleen. This is a time when you can begin your building and toning program, which includes diet and exercise. A building diet will give you a greater proportion of protein rich foods; a little more fat than during spring and summer; and a lots of good heating fuel from the whole grains. Some seeds and sprouts, nuts, beans, dairy products and eggs should also be included. Your diet affects all aspects of your life – your work, productivity, personality, your sleep and dreams, how you feel from day to day, your health or illness. It’s a good time to work on your food combining and eating habits.
You can start toning up in your exercise program as well to help build your strength. Working with weights, as well as cardio, are good exercise programs to begin, but don’t forget about outdoor activities and sports. This daily routine will help regulate your weight and balance the tendency to gain a few pounds through the fall and winter.
Element: earth
Color: yellow
Quality: transition
Sense organ: mouth-taste
Fluid: saliva
Indicator: lips
Tissue: flesh, muscles
Smell: fragrant
Taste: sweet
Sound: singing
Emotion: sympathy
Climate: moist
Direction: center
In balance: adaptability, relaxation, breathing deep, balanced intake, preparation, faith.
Imbalance: resisting change, drugs, shallow breathing, nervous eating, apprehension.
“In the Center is where we go to have a look at life’s show; all we have to do is flow – that’s a real way to grow. So let’s go.”

Tuesday, August 10, 2010